Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Verdict

     The other news media is declaring Justice is served!  Lady Justice is working today!  Oh Yeah, what a load of crap!  Lady Justice is outside throwing up her lunch right now! How in the hell did 12 people come to this conclusion is ludicrous!
     All the jurors had to have was Reasonable Doubt, not no doubt, not a single spit of doubt but Reasonable Doubt!  They didn't need to be Completely Confident of guilt!  What happened to Caylee?  Casey admitted the child died on June 16th while with her!  Nobody else heard those words but Me!?  Her father, George, was at work people!  Casey lied to everybody all day long and people believed her about not killing her daughter!  She lied about being out of town, lied about a nanny, lied about a job, lied about different boyfriends and lied about a car accident with a ghost nanny!  All these lies one right after another, on and on, buying time, wonderful time before anyone notices Caylee is missing.  Thirty one days later, when the grandparents just couldn't wait anymore, and between you and me, must have gotten that sick feeling in the pit of their stomachs, they knew something bad had happened!  You know that feeling, especially mothers when you just know your child has done something, you can't deny it. We are talking about thirty one days wrapped in a laundry bag inside of two trash bags with not one piece but three pieces of duck tape on your little mouth and nose.  Do you know what that says to me, that it was personal, very personal!  I know a detective very well and he has shared stories about criminals and types of death and the reasons why to me and this is one that is very personal to the killer!  So, now the forensic evidence is mainly destroyed, that doesn't mean we can't figure out who, what  and why it happened!  For God Sakes use your brains!  How did people and cops solve crimes before all the fancy stuff was invented?  They solved it by hard work and circumstantial evidence!!!  Put the puzzle pieces together to form the whole picture!
     Casey's story is the child downed in the pool on June 16th due to the fact that her mother left the ladder on the pool!  Even then, when not a soul was home but Casey and Caylee, when Casey was in full control of the child, she still blamed the lack of sense and guidance and the death of the child on her Mother!!!!  Anybody with any common sense can figure this out, pure common sense!  So, now the jury wants all of us to think that any body with duck tape over their nose and mouth and covered with trash bags is not Murder! I guess the victim planned the whole thing.  I guess the person they were last with which continued to lie each and everyday to the Police and the world is Not Guilty! She lies about every single aspect of her life but she is telling the truth about the drowning and her fathers involvement and the child abuse!  Why in the Hell should you believe anything she says?  I don't.  Why would she lie about most things and then tell the truth about some things?  She wouldn't.
     Casey lied about her family to the extent that it is they who received the death sentence!  She told lies about her family to save her own worthless neck!  People will believe any falsehood just by hearing it spoken!  You know this is true, you have heard something and said to yourself, my gosh, I wouldn't have believed that but!  There is always a but, but it sits on your mind thinking maybe that could be true!  That's exactly what happened here!  The defense voiced all kinds of accusations out there in the thin air about child abuse, affairs and anything they could think of, even saying the police and the prosecution tampered with the evidence and the crime scene!  How dare he!  He is responsible for this murderer being let free to live in society!
     Where is the Justice for Caylee?  I wrote before that I wanted the truth to come out and we would all need the strength to hear the truth.  There is no truth in this case, No Honor, No Facts!  Were there only Liberals on the Jury?  I can't imagine anybody with any common sense could come out with this verdict.  My head is going to explode right now on this computer!  Shocked is not the word I am to describe my feelings.  I'm litterly disgusted!  Just remember, a dog sniffed a dead body in the yard of the Anthony's and in Casey's car and in the playhouse of Caylee!  Do you suppose Casey let her play one more time while she was in the bags?  Do you trust the sent of a dog's nose?  Dogs don't lie, people lie!  The evidence was there, collectively there in front of your eyes to see but, nobody wanted to see!  The jury just wanted to blame a father for something he didn't do!  That's our society now to blame somebody for our actions besides ourself!
     What's in Casey's future?  Does she expect a family greeting with a big cookout or rushing to her with big open arms?  Maybe, she does!  She might be stupid enough.  She might be thinking, they can forgive me for; destroying the reputation of my father and my brother! Or even after they were belittled and disgraced on the witness stand! How about after all of America knows their faces and now their weaknesses!  It doesn't end here just because Casey has been found not guilty!  It's just starting for the family!  Her family is hurting beyond belief at this moment.  They will still be hounded by the press for comments and on accusations of George being involved somehow.  Their life is Hell and she could give a crap!
     I'm disgusted, angry and filled with sadness beyond belief!  Justice was not served today, a verdict was given just like any other case but Lady Justice is crying because one slipped through the cracks!  The ending for this family has not been written but I fear more tragedy is about to happen!  My prayers go out to the family members because they will need all the help they can muster!   God Bless You!
                                   The Commoner

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