Tuesday, May 31, 2011


     The word laughter in the dictionary means, sounds indicating merriment or expressing amusement by making an impromptu sound.   That doesn't sound very funny does it?  That noise can be one that grates on your nerves or such a happy sound that you have to laugh also.
     What I need is a night full of laughter.  What a wonderful phrase, to be laughing all night.  The stress disappears, all the muscles relax and all the tension goes to another dimension!  Not to be revisited or heard from until another day.  If you are laughing tonight there must be love present also because, you can't have one without the other.  You might be sharing a conversation with a friend or it could be the love and closeness of a brother or sister.  It could be the supportive and respectful love of a parent.  The sweetness and love of a grandchild.  Just the innocence alone makes you laugh.  And of course the romantic love.  There is nothing that even compares to this form of love.  God blessed us in so many ways!  Laughter gets us through some mighty hard times and situations especially when it is with your significant other!  It certainly softens any tense conversation and also any mean streaks of a loved one!  Make a joke and make them laugh, it works! 
     Laughter also helps any embarrassing moments!  It also helps if we can laugh at our selves but, that is really one of the hardest things to do.  I guess by laughing we actually are admitting that we did something stupid!  But, that's OK we are only human.  As humans, we must interact thousands if not millions of times a day with another human being depending on your job.  Some people have solitary jobs or work at home so they won't have the exposure.  It doesn't matter though because we still do crazy things that causes someone to laugh.  You know if you cause others to have a chuckle, more power to ya!  By doing this, you have just managed to relax everyone around you at that very moment in time. Their blood pressure and their anxiety just improved tremendously thanks to you!  So, go ahead be silly, be crazy and don't worry about being laughed at for something stupid!  We definitely could use more laughter in this world.  Just consider yourself a healer of sorts!  If only for a moment in time, you are helping!   Keep laughing!!!  Stop it, stop it, my side hurts!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

2012 Election

     I'm sitting in my living room after being on my feet all day long during which I'm
encouraged to produce, produce!  I'm listening to people on TV who supposedly are well educated tell me why "The Donald" is not prepared to run for President!  It seems he has no experience!  Well!  Well!  I think it is time to get the notebook out.
     There is a saying where I'm from, I was born at night but, it wasn't last night!!  For the love of God!  Hold my head together before it blows!  Now, let's talk about this just a little bit.  Our current President has no records, college or other wise, held no real office and God help me with this one "was a community organizer"!!  Which qualifies you for what?  Having a corner yard sale?  Having a basket party at your house?  He never governed a state, county or the local pub!  Where is his experience?  No where!  Oh, I know he was a Senator for two years and voting present I guess that means the seat is occupied or does it?  Exactly my point!  It prepares you for Nothing!  Let's face it, people were upset with George and the war and a black man would just set us all free, free at last!  The head is cracking now, God help me hold it together long enough to get this pen to write.
     Now on to "The Donald".  He actually is an American!  Stop it!  Stop it!  Nobody has proven otherwise!  He actually has run companies and made money!  Oh no, that makes him rich!  That's right we don't like the rich guys.  He must have ruined hundreds or thousands of minorities lives.  Maybe, Some were actually Employed!!!  You Think!!  I told you my head is splitting now!  OK, back to the subject.
    The Donald loves this country!                                Check
    The Donald wants our country to prosper!                Check
    The Donald is saying it like it is!                             Check
    The Donald would tell OPEC to kiss where I can't!    Check
    So far so good!
    The Donald will put our country first!                      Check
    The Donald will put our Military first!                      Check
    The Donald is a proven negotiator!                         Check
    The Donald will be fair but make you earn it!           Check
    Look out China!
    Everything, I mean everything in almost any store is made in China, Vietnam, Indonesia but mostly China.  Not one article of clothing is made in the USA although, I did find men's socks made in the USA.  I absolutely hate that fact!  Oops, I said hate, get over it.  If we don't stand up for our way of life and our America, it will be gone!
    The Donald is an open book.  Check.  Where O' where is the Obama book?  Buried I suspect!  And I'm quite sure the Obama camp or basketball court is rather nervous that a man of such stature and wealth could be nosing around trying to make sense of his past and present.
    If I had my choice and I do, I would pick the rich proven guy over the uninformed to pull my crust out of a situation anytime!!  And people believe me when I say ,"We are now in a deep do Situation."  Right Now!  So, I feel quite positive to the fact, "The Donald", has every right and is just as qualified as any Legal American who feels the need to step up to the plate for that big home run.
    I'm waiting for the next head-splitting remark to appear!  I'm also positive tomorrow will cause me to visit the Bayer bottle again!  Sanity has disappeared!!
   Just a note.  I wrote this days before Mr. Trump decided not to run for President.  And I would like to say at least he had the guts to suggest changes and fixes to problems that are very serious.  He also woke some people up from their long winter's nap in Washington.  It's good to have someone shake the apple cart once in a while.  I hope he continues to search for the truth and to influence people on problem solving for our country.  I'm still looking at all the candidates now.  The business knowledge and wisdom of Mr. Herman Cain looks very interesting.  Considering his success in business and work ethics I believe he is well qualified, don't you?  Wouldn't you want someone who succeeds at life to be President?  We wouldn't want a failure now, would we?  Success is a good thing, a very good thing!!! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Expressions of Love

     I have a favorite poem I would like to share:

I hope you live a thousand years
    And I a thousand less one day,
For I would hate to live and hear
    that you had gone away!

     Expressions of Love are so important because tomorrow is never promised.  Take the time to tell the ones you Love.  Tell them how you feel because they need to hear the words said just as much as you need to voice it.  It's a memory that will last a lifetime especially if this level of affection is not voiced often in the past.  Regrets are hard to fix.  Just like the song says, The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  You get the meaning?  Sometimes, time runs out before the heart feels what the ears long to hear or before the heart softens to show the Love.
     Don't get so caught up with life and living that you miss the most important part.  Feel the Love and show it to the ones that mean the most.  When it comes down to the facts, that's all we've got!  Each other!
     Think about this a minute:
You may not keep your job.
You may not keep your house.
You may not keep even your friends (except best friends).
You may not keep the same neighbors.
     Material possessions can come and go and they can be gone or disappear in a flash just like in the recent news.  Your family and loved ones are all that is left.  Make sure they know how you feel.  Maybe they have been waiting for you to say something so they could voice the same feelings in return.  The world is a strange and scary place and for that reason anything could happen in a New York Minute! 
     Sometimes our closest friends and family are the same ones we can't share personal feelings.  The very people we are so very proud of and the same ones that break our hearts apart.  But, listen to your heart because, it will never fail you! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Character Matters

      When considering the character of a person running for the Presidency of the United States of America which happens to be the most powerful man in this world you must read him like a book.  You must turn every page very carefully.  If there is one ounce of question as to his Birth, Integrity, Honesty, Leadership and friends by all means check and investigate every nook and cranny of his personal life.  If there is any fraud or malfeasance then give him the full extent of the law.  Prosecute and put their pitiful behind in jail!  We have every right as Legal Citizens of America to question  all lengths of the person's background that is speaking on our behalf and pulling the strings for our present and our future!  He or she does Not have a pass to slip into that office because of any reason especially because of their color!  Because we are too scared to look like a racist to question values or any other subjects!  At this stage in America we can't afford not to question.  He sets the standards for our moral values by the laws he passes and enforces.  People use racism to get away with murder!  I'm personally sick of it.  Recently I was speaking to an individual about the health care program when another person who was listening, turned and called me a racist.  I was not even having a conversation with them at all.  She didn't know me or my views on any single issue but, still felt she needed to downgrade me as a person!
     People listen up!!  We should not accept this behavior anymore and I'm not going to take it (as my mom would say) that crap is going to stop at my door right now!  If that's all you've got, you lose!  You have run that dog in the ground long enough.  The dog is dead!  My skin is getting thicker and thicker by the minute!  These accusers have this attitude of calling us names to make us feel bad, guilty and upset to keep us down, to keep us quiet and to keep racism on the forefront all the time.  Turn it back on them. They are simple minds who want to cause trouble and create havoc.  This world is full of bigots and I'm here to say, the first to call names is usually the unjust one.  We are now going to be as vocal as them.  Our quiet little lives are going to stop your nonsense in your tracks.  I'm so done!!  The decent hard working, white people (oops, I said white) it's actually not a dirty word you know, are fed up for being your whipping boy for all your problems!  For God's sake be a man for once!  It feels good to stand on your own two feet and work hard.  Sometimes you fail, then you get back up, dust off and try again.  That's America!  That's free will from God.  That's Freedom to choose!
     You have control of your destiny, now the choice is up to you.  Don't accept this kind of behavior anymore!  When you stand before the Almighty God, you will answer for your faults - and your faults alone!! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr. Al Sharpton

     I was listening to you on TV tonight.  Listening to your intense spitefulness at the 8/28 March held in Washington, D.C. and your tone on the interviews.  The march comments were insightful to your followers and the interview remarks were only excuses.  The whole idea of the other rally entrenching on your day is so ridiculous!  It's no more "just your day" to celebrate for any reason, than my birthday is only my day!  Millions of people were born on my birthday.  It's also their day and they celebrate their way.  We all share the same day.
     What are the rest of us suppose to do on your day?  Stay in bed, keep out of sight or stop living?!  Because it happens to be your day!  No, it doesn't work like that.  It's called Freedom!  Freedom to walk around.  Freedom to go to D.C. even on 8-28!  You don't have the exclusive rights for any activities for that day or that location!
     You breed hatred.  You are always looking for what is wrong, mainly with the white folks.  You never look for what is right or good.  You constantly stir the pot to keep people upset about any and all issues!  Why don't you preach making good choices for a change!
     You don't own the market on struggles or hardships.  Struggles land on every one's doorstep!  God gave us all life and free will.  The rest is up to us.  We can make the choice to work hard or hardly work.  The choice to buy cigarettes, beer, drugs or health insurance for our families.  It's all up to us.  To have it all right now, but can't pay for it and lose it, or to work hard and get a little at a time.  Choices are all around each and everyday.  Not everyone will choose right, but guess what not everyone will choose wrong!  You will answer for your choices and I will answer for mine!
     Think about this, if all of us just got along, wow, what would you have to do?!  Don't you make a living from all the dissension between the races?  It seems to me you wouldn't have a job if everything was copacetic, now would you?
     I hate to break this to you but, life is not equal or fair.  We all don't have the same amount of chicken soup in our cabinet nor the same amount of shoes in our closet.  Due to choices!!  I might not like shoes and you might not like chicken soup.  We are all individuals with different likes and dislikes.
     All black people are not poor and all white people are not rich.  How much money did you make last year?  How much money did you claim on income taxes?  What kind of car do you drive?  How many cans of soup do you have in your cabinet? 
     Stop making excuses for people.  The sun rises on all of us and the sun goes down each day.  It's your choice on how you want to live it.  People don't have to live in a mansion to be happy. You don't have to make $500,000 a year to be successful.  There is always going to be somebody who has more money or processions than the next person.  But, it's how you act and treat people and how you live your life with Honor, Honesty and hard work that counts.  God didn't say our life would be easy.  He just gave us the beginning.  The middle and the ending is up to us.  We all have heartache, struggles, disease and death.
     We all have Choices!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Times, They are A Changing"

     Yes, "Times they are a changing" just like the song says.  But, this is no song, this is real life.  I have never been worried about my status of being an American.  I have always felt honored and extremely grateful to be born an American.  The freedom and the opportunity to work hard at whatever you decide to achieve in life, is truly a privilege.  People from all over the world would not risk their life and give up everything they have to come to this wonderful country, if it wasn't so.
     Being called an American comes with responsibilities.  You have the responsibility to follow American rules and laws.  You have the responsibility to protect her from all enemies and from people who try to degrade her, overtake her or try to weaken her through any means.  You have the responsibility to do everything in your power to keep her strong!  You can vote for the person who will follow the constitution.  You can investigate which candidate has America's heart in mind and who wants to makes us strong financially, militarily but most of all religiously.  Without God we are nothing.  In God we Trust is not on our money and on our buildings by accident. Our country was founded on the Christian Religion.  However, it looks like for the first time in my life I have to fight for the right to be a Christian.  Back to the point of worrying about my status of being an American!
     People want to make this a dirty word, if you were born an American, if you were born white or if you are a Christian.  I'm not going to apology for any of these things.  I thank God for him and my religion.  I thank God for my heritage and I'm not going to allow anybody to take any of that away from me or from my beautiful country.  So hang on to your pants a whole boat load of people feel the same way I do.
     We will fight for our legal rights because we are Legal Citizens!
     We will fight for Free Speech!
     We will fight to close all borders and stop, drop the baby syndrome!
     We will fight for God - Our Christian God to be put back in our federal buildings,
       schools and everywhere else! 
     We will fight for our tax dollars to be spent on worthwhile causes - to benefit all
       Americans, not some that choose to sit at home and collect money!  We do not
       need to become a welfare nation!
     Life is full of choices.  A choice to be honest, a choice to work hard and a choice to stand up for your beliefs!  A choice to take our country back.  A choice to have as many bibles and guns as I like.  A choice to be that same American I was growing up, Proud, Honest, Hard Working and Respectful!
     In God We Trust!  My ancestors fought in WWI, my father fought in WWII, by God it's my turn to fight!!  "Times They are A Changing!"  The people are back!  Amen!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Illnesses and Disease

  I'm sitting in a chair, in a room at a hospital where people from all sorts of life are receiving treatment for various illnesses.  I'm wondering about each person.  What is their story?  Is it wrong place, wrong time, or environmental accident that lead to their disease? Is it bad choices in life that now causes them to drain the system?  Could it have been like my father - who worked hard as a mechanic his whole life - under a car with exhaust, metals, and fumes who developed lung disease and later heart disease.  Everybody has a story; some are sad and some are tragic.
     I feel bad for people with disease and illnesses.  My own family has suffered greatly from various forms.  I wonder how many people would change that bad behavior or bad decision, that was made months or years before.  Was it a life changing event or one of many that lead to the current circumstance.  Whatever the reason here they sit or lay.  Or was it just living life never knowing of the hazards or dangers that await.  I think the human race is our own worst enemy.  We create and invent to improve life and to make life easier.  However, sometimes we create hazards such as cancer causing substances or materials which cause severe allergies.
     Our health care system is the best in the world.  We teach our doctors and nurses more information now than ever before in human history.  We treat after we are attacked.  Maybe, our approach is all wrong.  As in defense of our country we always have contingency plans for some attack from any source.  Our health care system is strained to the max.  The burden is on the people who pay into the system.  The burden is on the person who pays income taxes.  A lot of people don't pay!  But, they want the same care.
     Maybe we should concentrate on the patient before the disease or illness starts.  Improving the way of life before the attack.  This doesn't mean a handout to everyone who walks through the door.  This does not mean government control. This doesn't mean a new car or big house.  It does mean taking care of the body God gave us, keeping it as healthy as possible.  It means educating the American people on the best ways to stay healthy.  Pre-disease care, Pre-attack care, so we can skip some of these terrible situations in this room.  I know what you're thinking, a lot of people just don't care about their health until it's too late.  You are definitely correct.  We can't let the neglect of some stop the teaching of others.
     I have witnessed people enjoying the attention of being ill.  I have witnessed individuals arguing between each, as to who is the sickest.  I don't believe anybody wants to be sick, but once in that situation it seems almost comfortable.  I pray for all ill people, especially the little ones.  They are the real soldiers!  They handle life with grace and so much courage.  They teach us the lessons of life and death.
     Sickness is rough, sickness is so hard.  Families suffer watching the illness take over the person they love and admire.  I've been there.  I still have flash backs of the sadness and the tears are not far from falling.  We feel so helpless and weak and all we can do is give support and comfort to the one sick.  Believe me everything we do is so appreciated.  They are so scared and the fear is gripping them beyond belief.  Fear of the unknown, fear of the treatments, fear of the separation from the families and fear of dying has them frozen.  Only faith of God and praying for peace will help comfort them in the middle of the night when all around is darkness and quiet.  Maybe, an angel will visit to put their heart at peace.  The message may be one of healing or that they will be leaving soon.  Either way the visit is a miracle for the one who needs it.  I've witnessed this and to the one watching, to see the fear disappear on their face and for them to voice the acceptance to you is the best gift of all.  Then, and only then the family can concentrate on just loving each other for the limited time that's left.
     We need to make our food supply as safe as possible.  Check and recheck on the safety issues.  We need to have most of our food homegrown!!!  Double and triple checks on receiving food from other countries!  They don't care about our welfare!  They are just selling a product.  That's been proven from the recalls on baby food!  It's our job to protect the little Soldiers!  Recalls for dog food!  It's our job to protect our faithful partners!  Recalls from our clothing!  It's our job to protect Americans!  Talk about killing us from within!!  They don't need to send an Army.  It's happening through our food source, materials, clothing, even children's toys!!  Stop importing everything we need to live. 
     As I watch the people in this room I wonder what caused their calamity.  Was it actually caused by our hands or by another country who doesn't care about us or our way of life.  We have to remember we are envied or despised by the world over.
     The control of our lives should remain in our control.  Not in the control of others who care less!!  Who will be the next person who enters this room for a terrible disease?  Will it be you?
     Wake up citizens, wake up Congress, wake up legislators this is our chance before its too late.  Our everyday life, our very existence depends on it.

Apology to Israel

To my Jewish friends of Israel,
     I would like to express my deepest apology for comments the President of the United States of America said on your behalf.  I want you to know as one of the peoples of the U.S.A. I, nor anyone else was consulted or even asked to voice an opinion on this matter.  If he had asked, the message would have had the complete opposite result.
     I posted a blog two days ago asking people to choose their side.  You are either for Israel and for God or against God.  Well, maybe he read my blog and therefore made his choice.
     I feel ashamed and saddened by this disgraceful position and apparently his political doctrine.  I have felt for two years that my Christian faith was being diminished and ignored.  Many factors have come into play.  For example, National Prayer Day?  Did you witness any activity on that day for the last two years?  Nothing special!  Me  neither.  Reverend Graham wanted to have a prayer but, wasn't invited.  No one prayed for our country on the day we set aside for just that purpose.  But, Obama makes a big deal of the Muslim Holidays.  There is a big dinner and he speaks and it goes on for hours.  We can't even get a prayer!  Let's call a spade a spade.  Let's not call a terrorist a terrorist or an Islamic terrorist.  Let's make every excuse for these criminals!  And there is always another outreach to the Muslim community!  Over and over again!  Where is your outreach to protect the State of Israel?
     Listen up every person who is a Christian, yes I mean you Baptists, and you Presbyterians, and you Catholics and all the rest, it is past time for you to count!  Do you want your faith to survive?  Then, stand up for what is right and be counted.  We are at a critical phase in history and we must challenge every aspect for a successful outcome.
     Just remember, God sees what man fails to even acknowledge!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good vs. Evil

     Out of the depths of the earth raises buildings, projects created to warm, to provide joy and maybe even provide care of the people.  Not all things which rise up from the ground are worthy.  What an appropriate saying for a soul that lived only to kill and murder the innocent.  Not as a warrior on the field of battle but, in the streets and halls of buildings where the innocence were making a living, going on a vacation or at the zoo, or having a family meal together.  These people had no uniforms or a gun for protection.  Neither did they feel the need - never knowing how close evil comes as they pass by.
     This soul will never rest for it will descend to the depths to receive an eternity of punishment.  This world is a much better place without that evil influence.  I'm sure he left followers but, we rejoice today because the space he filled on our planet and the oxygen he used is over!    Amen!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Americans for Israel

    It's time America to speak up for all Jews and for Israel!  It's time!  It's Past Time!
The Jewish people are God's chosen people!  Some people I feel have a hard time accepting that fact so they decide if we get rid of all the Jews guess what?  We'll be first!  So wrong!  They will never be first and we will no longer be decent, honorable Americans if we don't protect Israel!  God will no longer look upon us with favor and love if we turn our backs on Israel or the Jewish people!  This is so simple and a no brainier.  Why would we look the other way and let anybody and any nation threaten Israel?  Why?  Have we lost our loyalty to friends and partners?  Or are we changing sides?  I think it is both.  We in (as our government) is treating our friends with disdain!  And our enemies as though they can't do enough to impress them.  They will certainly go out of their way to please them!
    Israel and the U.S.A. are made out to be the aggressors or occupiers but, here's the real truth.  Considering our military power and might and that of Israel we could have taken over any country and flown our American Flag at every shore if we were aggressors or occupiers now couldn't we?!!!  But, we haven't!  I wonder why?
   Let me be the first and I'm quite sure I am the first to say:  Christianity is here to stay!  It will never be replaced by Arabs or the Muslim faith!  You have no idea who you are messing with.  Can you guess how many menopause women are out there right now saying - bring it on Bozo!  America is our home and our way of life stays put!  Oh - anybody can live here  --  legally!  I might add.  And obey the laws of our land but if you think for one second we will change our country into your beliefs - your wrong!  Dead wrong!  Stay in your own country!  Oh - that's right you have to change or conquer the great Satan, the U.S.A.  Not going to happen here's why!  American will power and determination!  You will not tell me to cover my hair, give up my gun or just try to take my driver's licence away from me!  I think your head dress is too tight.
So don't believe this plan is going to be accomplished.  The silent majority is no longer silent!  We know your little evil plan and we are watching to see who jumps on the bandwagon.
    It's time America.  Decide which side you are going to support.  Decide where you stand and voice your views now before it's too late.  God is watching.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is what liberty means to me.

L et the people rule instead of bigger government!
I ssue changes and reform to income tax laws to help all of us!
B eware of policies that remove our individual freedoms!
E arn a living off your own back, not off the backs of others!
R est never to watch over those who literally control our futures!
T rust only after you verify!
Y outh of today and tomorrow be proud of being an American! But earn it!!!

Think about what liberty means to you.  There is no "S" in liberty.  No Socialism!!!!!