Sunday, June 26, 2011

InSanity vs. Goodness

     To keep my sanity, I have to write about goodness and the meaning of life in between my rantings or I will go crazy!
     In life we have to walk the line or pay the consequences!  We also have to walk the walk if we talk the talk or we will have no credibility!    
     Unfortunately, we live in a world where now we have a society of people yelling, Don't Blame Me!  They are only Victims of this and Victims of that!  They wallow in their pain as they drain every last drop of blood from the rest of us!
    Our voices have to ask, "What is Truth?"  We have to find truth and we also need to defend it.  As long as we follow truth God will show us the way.  You can find truth in the Heroes we choose.  My truth is in my Heroes.  They have always been my Father, my Brothers, my Husband and my Son because of their strength of character, their courage, their patriotism and their military service!  Let no man put asunder what a woman loves!  I pity the poor fool, comes to mind!
     The truth search has to be extended to include our government, you know the actual people who speak on our behalf.  The same ones who think they can read our minds and our hearts!  The facts show they are usually dead wrong.  Remember you may have to dig deep to find the truth because people will have disguises of every shape and form.  Their hearts won't be an open book and their eyes won't be clear as a child's.  Do your homework and beware of people who try to lead you the wrong way, sad to say the world is full of deceit.  Don't forget, when truth is found, savor it and protect it and by all means spread it as far as you can see and hear!
     To the ones that's Pitching a Fit, Get Over It!!!!!
                    The Commoner!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Notes on the Government

     These people are not law makers they are law breakers!  Back room deals and meeting late at night to pass a bill or meetings with only a select few and by morning only a smirk is to be found.  I guess the smirk is from the lack of sleep while we get the screws put to us!  Priceless!
     People, our Freedoms are being greatly compromised as we speak!  A few whistle blowers are out there but we need a heck of a lot more just to keep up with all the scoundrels!  Since so much is being done without the knowledge of necessary checks and balances, new programs and new laws could come out of nowhere and usually do!  We have to stay vigilant at every corner.  Our Free Speech, our Gun Rights and Our very ability to Worship as we see fit is at stake!  If they can't get some of their liberal punishments through on their own then it will definitely be by a back door or through some other organization.  Watch out for the U.N. right now.  The scuttle butt is they will go after our rights to bear arms!  Isn't it time to throw the whole bunch out of N.Y.? Don't we give them a ton of money every year?  We give them a boat load!  Looks like we need to clean house in Washington and N.Y.
     Have you ever heard the phrase, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer?  Now is the perfect situation to put this statement into practice.  That statement makes me kinda think of a few people already such as Pelosi, ACLU, Harry Reid, Ed Schultz {he is the dunce that attacked Laura Ingram} and Rosie O'Donnell.  The list goes on just to name a few!  I just realized Oh Lord, the world is full of Anthony Weiners!  People, we have our work cut out for us!  I believe we may need the services of Inspector Clouseau or the help of  Eddie Bond, So Help Me God to figure out most of this crap!  We have to be alert and watch each others back and be prepared!
      I'm afraid the coming days, weeks and months are going to be very stressful.  My friend, Glen Beck says we have to prepare because there will be a shortish of food and the prices will be so expensive you may not be able to afford any!  I went to the grocery store yesterday and the bottom of the cart wasn't even covered and it cost me $150.00!  I had only one package of meat and it wasn't steak it was hamburger!  I believe Glen Beck is correct and he has this country in his best interest always!  We have to look for the truth and follow it to where it leads.
     Obama may be the Liberal's Puppet but, we are the Puppet Master!
                    The Commoner!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

You're Still The One

     You're still the one!  Wow!  After years of marriage if you can say those words to someone special then Life is Good!  It's also very unusual. We're still having fun cause you're still the one!  Love takes time, work, patience and lots of affection but not just expressed once, it needs a Life time of special moments and of course let's not forget the occasional well deserved maintenance!  We all need time away to renew and time to rebuild depending on the degree of problems, because we tend to forget our promises we made to each other before God and how much or how deep our Love goes!  Sometimes that Love gets put on the back burner and it gets a little scorched!  It gets a little over done!  Love needs tender Loving care just like anything else important.  The Love of our Life is just like a flower, a beautiful delicate flower.  We need to nurture, water and ever so gently give it fertilizer to keep it beautiful.  If we don't take care of the flower it soon withers and dies just like our Love. 
     We get so busy with the stresses of life, kids, jobs, yard work, sports, school and homework that we forget what started this whole saga in the first place.  Just think back - back to that special moment!  Remember that touch, that look, that special note or that first date!  Was it that slow dance in high school?  Was it that first meeting of eye to eye contact in English Class?  Could it have been that date at the fraternity party or that smell of English Leather?  Could it have been that meeting at Mr. Swiss for burgers or that gentle touch on the neck under the long blond hair that sent shivers down the spine!  Oh Yeah!  I think I'm beginning to remember!  We don't want to lose those beautiful memories we want to savor them forever!
     We need to stop and remember God's blessings and the memories of when our Love began!  Ask yourself where are you now?  What happened in between then and now?  Where has your Love gone?  Is it stuck in a rut?  Is it in need of a rehaul or is it building and building as each day goes by?  What was so special then that caused you to think, "I want to be with this person for a lifetime, forever!  I want to wake up beside him and go to sleep with him everyday of my life!
     Love is so crazy, you can't explain it or describe it.  With Love, a person takes a big chance to show affection and to except affection.  What caused your heart to go pitter patter?  The reasons for falling in Love are enormously different for each individual person.  Thank goodness because if that were not so only a portion of the world would fall in Love and be happy.
     Our mind sometimes goes or forgets a little or a lot of information as we get older.  Wouldn't it be sad to not think about how our life really started and in what direction it took and the reasons why?  It's always a great idea to write down this information for your grandchildren so they will have a sense of knowing you when you were young.  They can giggle and laugh because the times and activities will be so different.  This was so special and meant so much to you that it will also mean a lot to them.  Just by telling the story you might remember something you had forgotten.
     The world is full of hardships and chaos and the Love of a person might be the only thing we have left to get us through those hard times!  Their support system is so vital to our growth as a person.
    True Love is something special that we need to cherish because it doesn't happen to everyone.  Some say it only happens to those that consider themselves lucky or blessed but maybe it's the commitment and hard work that causes success in the marriage!  The language between one heart to another heart is magic, pure magic!  Love speaks to your heart even before a word is ever spoken!  Remember!
                      The Commoner

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Enough is Enough Black Panthers

     Members of the Black Panthers Organization, go back into the hole you just crawled out of!  You are insane and the good white people of America {who, guess what} the last time I checked never owned a slave, my father never owned a slave and my grandfather never owned a slave or my great-grandfather!  Can you add those years up and realize that, that excuse is over!  You can't blame old white cracker anymore!  Pick up your dead rump, go to work and pay your own way.  Stop blaming and intimidating white people.  You are the Racist!  While you voice your ugly talk and laugh with your stupid smirk, you fire up all the decent white people that you claim your hatred of.  We are sick and tired of your worthless actions and your spoken word.
     While I went to Church and learned about God you learned hate.  While I worked at a low paying job to raise my family, you waited and demanded a handout!  A handout from the same cracker that you say owes your great-great-great-grandfather for being a slave.
     While I put myself through college you were brooding about not getting a free ride.  While I worked long hours and made scarifies you yelled only black people made scarifies.  You also stated only blacks have troubles.  Absurd!  Whites have plenty of trials and tribulations but we aren't screaming for the government to bail us out for everything.
     Your own people in Africa sold you!  If you hate it here so bad, then go back home to your original home, Africa!  You think since your pal Obama is in the White House he will change everything in your favor.  It looks like he is trying, just look at the group of people that surrounds him and the laws and rules he is pushing through!
     Enough is enough!  We have known the whole time what was really in your heart and now it is out in the OPEN for all America to see!  You don't know the meaning of decency.  You are the new Mafia, the Black Mafia, someone to bully and intimate.  To use your own discussing words, someone who wants to kill white babies!  We know your Game!  We will throw out every last one in Washington that supports any of your views or actions and those that won't comment.  We will replace them with decent people who actually go by the laws!  This must be your worst nightmare!!  Right!? 
     The NAACP just condemned the Tea Party movement as racist!  Imagine That!  Not a word was said about the Black Panther episode at all.  No Comment!  Of course the White House couldn't be found for a comment!  Total silence!  But the President was the first to condemn a white police officer arresting a black man. Would you say double standard!?  I call it No standard at all!  No Honor!  No Integrity!  Racism comes from the top down.  It is thrown in our face at every turn and at every convenience of the accuser.  I don't know about you but I'm done with it.  I'm over it!  No more silence from me, I intent to blast them all.
     OK America it's up to you now.  Go vote in your area for the conservation who is running for office that will straighten out this mess!  If you happen to see a person dressed in black clothes holding a club in his hands at the polls, call 911 right then!  Go in the voting precinct and vote and smile knowing that you are doing your part to take back Your America!  Bring commonsense and the law back to each and every area of our life!
     Mr. Black Panther, thanks for waking the sleeping giant!  I'll be voting!  See you at the polls!
                                 The Commoner!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Worth of a Person

     I've been watching with great interest the Casey Anthony trial.  We have all seen the news and reports of what we perceive happened to Caylee Anthony.  We have all formed opinions on this case.  Who knows the Hell that sweet, precious, little baby went through just so the mother could have her free time!  I shutter to think!  The crying in the court room just made me angry!  Don't give Casey Anthony any sympathy and make her sit through every single gruesome detail especially considering she was the cause of every detail!  She has admitted to the drowning and if the police and medical teams weren't called then she had to dispose of the body!  You will get no sympathy from me.  Don't give her time to compose!  Did sweet Caylee get time to compose?  I imagine Caylee did only under the influence of sedatives and drugs so her mother could party!  What a sleaze ball! 
     I feel so sorry for the grandparents.  They did not try to raise a monster but sometimes it just happens.  They have lost a beautiful granddaughter due to spite and neglect and selfishness.  Their life will never be the same nor their reputations due to the mere fact of being accused of child abuse.  How low will the daughter stoop to destroy her parents?  Free will is a strange and scary place sometimes.  The choices of life are for the here and now and the hereafter.  However, one should remember that the choices you make will last forever!
     The bragging to friends about putting Caylee to sleep with drugs so she could party was an admission of a bad ending waiting to happen.  I only wish I was on that jury!  This is no mother, this is no daughter and this is no sister anyone could claim.
    Let's review the facts about Casey Anthony:  She is a young mother caught up with being a mother too early.  Isn't it strange that no father has ever been mentioned?  OK well, we'll get back to that fact a little later.  Now she decides to basically dump the baby on her parents and from what I gather that was the usual way, to dump everything on her parents.  So, same day same plan!  A big argument occurred apparently between Casey and her mom.  It was bound to happen don't you think?  Somebody needed to remind her of her responsibilities.  Even though the grandparents loved that little girl immensely, Caylee wasn't their responsibility.  The next few days are literally disgusting and disgraceful as a human being but unforgivable as a parent!!  The trust and protection she should have shown that baby was anything but trustworthy!  The surprise story about the pool drowning caught me off guard.  You know that could happen to anybody that has a pool and it would be very tragic.  But nobody with any decency would not call 911 to try to save their baby!  Nobody that has any ounce of love would throw their baby in the trunk in a trash bag!  I want to make a point, if Caylee had drown in the pool there would be no reason for her to cover Caylee's mouth and nose with Duck Tape!  This had to be done to silence the little girl or to stop her breathing!  She did all of this out of spite for her mother, spite for her father and mainly spite for little Caylee for being born in the first place and for wrecking her life!
     Picture this for a minute, if the baby drown and Casey was present as she states, she then got rid of the body and continued to have a 24 hour party!  Her actions and lack of any compassion whatsoever only shows she has no remorse and felt she would never be charged with the murder.  Are we to believe that after the drowning Casey left and didn't do anything with the body?  Of course she did, if not her then who?  Let's go back to the question about the father of Caylee?  Considering the amount of boyfriends and her activities she probably doesn't have a clue as to who fathered the child!
     This is a terrible story all around, the death of a child is heartbreaking under any circumstances but when committed by the hands of a loved one, it's despicable!  The family is destroyed and relationships with friends and other family members are probably strained to the limit.  There will always be that veil of uncertainty concerning some of the testimony from a person who could look you straight in the eye and lie like she was ordering ice cream.  Casey has no conscience whatsoever and she is literally killing the family members from the inside out.  These are the same people who loved her the most and as in the death of a child she has rendered the rest of her family lifeless as well!  I'm quite positive this will haunt the family for the rest of their lives!
     The fate of this family is not sealed as yet and only by the power of God will they be able to get to the conclusion. We all need to pray for the truth to be revealed and for the strength to hear it!
                                             The Commoner

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Al Sharpton #2

    Al Sharpton, you are a piece of work!  Not like Shakespeare more like a Horror Show!  Where do you get off demanding the FCC to quiet or shout up any person, radio show or cable news show on free speech.  Wow!  Do you realize it's not up to you to pick and choose to whom that's done to!  Are you saying that we are only going to target the whites or the right wing whites now?  Priceless!  But wait let's see, just imagine this!  You could be next!!  Let's envision this for a minute, if that were the case then, we wouldn't hear you condemning the rich white people anymore.  Or you wouldn't be condemning the poor white people or saying how repressed all of the black people are because of the controlling white people!  Did I get that message right?  I know it because I've heard it over and over again like a broken record all through the years!  I could get used to the quiet but as wonderful as it sounds it would be Wrong!!!  Got it!!
     What exactly do you do?  I believe you insight people, insight hatred and you insight stupidity!  Just for starters!  Yes, that's it!  How much do you get paid for this crap?  I wrote about you in a previous letter but I'm never surprised about the endless hypocrisy that flows from you constantly.  Do you suppose God is proud of this?  I doubt it.  I just imagine him just shaking his head back and forth.
     Why on earth do you want to continue on this frame of mind?  You must be benefiting in some way!  Even Dr. Phill asks his guests, What are you getting out of this to people on his show?  Fame and fortune maybe?  I've hit on this before.  Who is paying you and how much?  Most people I hope and pray, see you for what you are, A Trouble Maker!  But, some people might be using you also, just to be a sounding board to get out a disturbing message to harm and hurt your targets!  Also to keep feathers ruffled and to keep people looking at each other with distrust.  Nice!!  Nothing every changes does it?  Oh, don't think since I said you may be used that you possibly could be an innocent party, Oh no!  We know for sure that isn't true.
     You have no clue as to how most white families raised their children.  You also have no clue as to how we interacted as families.  Maybe you needed to check a few facts before you try to destroy people.  I'm here to set the story straight once and for all!  My whole life, I was taught to show respect, mind my manners, be quiet in church, never cuss or talk back, take pride in your house, your yard and in yourself!  Most of all to be thankful for what you have and that everything required hard work. What could you possibly find wrong with this life?  My parents were hard, hard workers and they managed on the little money they made.  My father saved everything that was left over from a project just in case he needed it for another project.  They lived through the Depression so they truly knew how bad things could get.  With these constant acquisitions of racism and hatred you try to diminish my parents memory and that Makes me really Mad!
     Before your official Clean up America Act begins, please start with the following!
     1.  Rap Music
     2.  MTV
     3.  Reality Shows
     4.  Jersey Shore
     5.  ED Commercials!  Enough already!
     6.  Cop Killer videos
     7.  Video games that promote violence
     Where is your outrage on these topics?  Evidently No where to be found.  No Surprise!  Since you are feeling all high and mighty you want to take on the regular Americans and middle America!  The same Regular Americans who had a rally on 8-28 who had the audacity to have an event on the other guys day.  I remember now, no one else is allowed to go there on that spot on that day but black people because that is your spot.  I guess you own that spot?  Right?  No, you don't own it or any other spot and neither does any other person unless you own a deed to that land!  Do you have a deed?  I think not!
     You give yourself way too much credit to think America would look to you for advice on who to silence!  Who would you pick next?  Me?  That will never happen because I will never shout up.  You need to go back to your think tank or cave and try to come up with something worthwhile for mankind, for once!!
    I'm waiting and I'm sure half of America is also!       The Commoner

Friday, June 10, 2011

Meeting the Standards

     The highest position of the land needs and requires the highest respect.  Right?  The people of the United States of America put this person in office to represent them in this country's affairs by their votes.  The second highest office of the land also requires respect as all the other offices held by our government officials. 
     As a parent, respect is something everyone wants and receives when they give respect to their children.  So respect is earned!   Can we respect an office who explicits bad behavior?  Not hardly!  But we can wait for it to be earned!
     As of late I have heard language used no parent of mine used nor did I as a parent use to my children nor to my grandchildren!  But, the highest office of the land uses disrespectful words on TV and across America.  Respect earned?  NO!  Lack of respect earned!  Yes!  Shame on you for degrading this office and America!  You don't show any respect for the people of this land but, you demand respect from others.  Tonight you spoke about meeting the standards!  Where are your standards?
     1.  No prayer on National Prayer Day, at least no Christian Prayer!
     2.  What about professionalism of your office and your staff!  Evidently none!
     Is this a firing offence for Not meeting the Standards?  Why is it required for one and not required for another?  Is it because your standards are not as high as the next person?  I wonder.  Maybe the American people require higher standards than you think!  We don't appreciate gutter language from your office or staff either!  Maybe the second highest office needs a press conference or perhaps a public lashing.  I think we need for this office and everyone associated with it to clean up their act to earn the respect this office deserves!

    Waiting and watching,                     The Commoner

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Whole Puzzle

     Picture this!  Out of 100% of Americans, 45% Do Not pay taxes!  Let's go over that one more time!  I said 45% of Americans Do Not pay for roads, for law enforcement, for the military, for public welfare, for libraries, for education, for transportation, just to name a few! 
     Now, I assume out of these 45%, that most use our roads, rent movies at the libraries, expect protection from criminals (here and abroad), go to school and use the buses etc!  Now, let's see, the actual burden is on the rest of us!  Isn't it?  Who is getting squeezed the most?!
     Ready for this?  The survey last night said, 30% of Americans thought Ob was doing a good job with the economy!  For the love of God!  OK, wait a second, let's figure this out!  Could this 30% be part of the 45% that don't pay any taxes at all?!  My God, of course they would say - Good Job!!  They have it made!  Alright, my last fingernail is coming off today!  You know everybody falls into bad times!  Everybody!  But, the government is not your mama!
    Not one news organization has stated this fact.  Legal citizens pay into Medicare!  Those that work I might add.  Not a soul pays into Medicaid and food stamps!  I see corruption all around in these programs, just by listening to people in their conversations!  There is no checks and balances once they start.  Not all of these people are telling the truth!  Remember Weiner!  The world is full of Weiners!  Legitimate people need help from time to time.  Everybody gets in a bind because life can get cruel.  However, this is not a life time deal!  Listen to this control of the program, food stamp cards have been used at gambling facilities!  And guess what they weren't buying food!  Amazing!  See my point!  Tons of young people are on Medicaid and food stamps and they make more money than I do!  The beat goes on!
     How many people do we have to support in this country?  Is this the "give me" generation?  It sure seems like it!  I don't know about you but, this is extortion!  This is extortion by our government because our taxes are going to be raised to give, give, more and more to the others!  This is so wrong!  This is extortion of our rights and our liberties!  45% is outrageous!  We have got to change Washington before we go under for good as a nation!
     Some of the people in Washington need to be arrested and charged with Treason!  Our President makes jokes and belittles portions of Americans.  Becoming?!  I think not!  Forget the political correctness crap, he down right lies to the American public.  Not mis-spoke, or misleads or confused, or didn't  have a clue but lies!  Remember, the press and others say he is brilliant and so smart.  You tell me?  Would a brilliant person act like this?  Yeah, I've got ocean front property for sale in Kansas.  Any takers??  Remember, nobody has ever seen his grades or transcripts!  No proof of brilliance there!
     We have to weed out the undesirables in Washington, the lowlifes, the ones who only want to protect the "law breakers" and not the legal citizens!  Something really stinks in Denmark or should I say Chicago!  The smell is drifting across the whole country.  Americans are fed up and guess what our pockets are getting empty and our patience are completely wearing out!  We are being used from our President on down the line.  Our country supports every nation across this globe.  We have an endless credit card for just about any project and purpose.  Somebody with guts needs to rip this power away and shred it!  Got it!  Which part of the puzzle are you?  Are you the giver or are you the taker?

Weinie Roast

     Sorry, I can't help it, I have to say my peace.  You asked for it so you're going to get it.  God works in mysterious ways doesn't he, to remove people from their comfortable pedestal!  Secrets, secrets, the world if full of secrets!  But, sometimes they rear their ugly head!  Although, he said, It was just a joke!  No, you made yourself the joke!
     Now, let's considered the reasons why he needs to be gone!  I wrote an article a few weeks ago about character in which I stated, character matters!  Reason #1.  The character of a person is extremely important.  It portrays his leadership skills if he happens to hold an official office.  If you don't care about character, then you must not give a hoot about judgements and decisions a person makes to shape the world we live in.  They have the power to mold and change the world for good or for bad.  We need people in this position that have the ethical strength to carry out the best decisions for the American people!   I don't care that he's a sleaze bag on his own time but, not when he works for the American people!  We need people in Washington that are distinguished and honest and ones that have good moral character, not this kind of crap!
     Reason #2.  If you looked at the photos closely, you might notice where these fun memories were made.  It kinda looks like his office!  Oops!  He should have made sure the background didn't show any evidence that he really wasn't working for us that day!  Or was he taking a lunch break?  I doubt it.  Maybe using the tax payers money never crossed your mind because sleaze ball you were on my dime at that moment!
     Reason #3.  You are a liar!  Guess what we can not trust you ever again!  I'm not saying I ever trusted you before but, definitely never again!  You are not just a liar but, a bold face liar!  That takes, well you know what it takes.  I feel sorry for your wife.  You should be ashamed.
     Reason #4.  Your job is to handle problems, to problem solve.  However, you were too busy handling your own problem.  While New York and the rest of America thought our back was covered, you were removing your covers for anybody to see!
     Reason #5.  People, don't think that since this man is from New York, that he only represents New York.  When the 434, with one idiot, members of the House votes, it effects all of America!  We must not accept this kind of behavior from anyone at any time.  He should have resigned but, his character is lacking in substance where he doesn't have enough Honor to resign.  Remember, his reputation and everyone else in Washington is a reflection of us!  Is this how you want to be viewed by the world and others?  I don't!
     Reason #6.  Pack your bags, you Jack Wagon!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day of Reckoning

     Wake up people!  Hell--lo!!  Something stinks in this Arab Spring!  It certainly isn't flowers!  Have you seen the protests and the yelling, "Death to America" and "Death to Israel"!?  They really mean this crap!  This situation is so dangerous.  Just like the comment in one of my favorite movies, in a nano second this could get out of hand and start something really nasty.  People are protesting all over the world, a few for good but, most of the mob is yelling this garbage that's pure unadulterated Evil!  It breeds Evil and festers just like an infected sore!  The bigger the crowd the more radicals jump on the band wagon to add to the crazies.  They are nut cases!  Pure and simple!  The sore just gets bigger and oozes more and more pus!  The only way to stop it is to be prepared to lance the infection and drain it.  These nut cases are going to strike by any means possible to kill our Religion, our Freedoms and our way of life in America.  We need to be singing from the roof tops, be prepared and don't be deceived!  Open your eyes!
     Liberals, you will be the most surprised!  The communists and socialist are totally on board with the switch'O change'O of our society.  But, for the life of me, I can't understand their logic.  What do they think will happen to them?  Do they assume they will retain all the power?  I guess a big power struggle would ensue!  I'm sure they will all fight amongst themselves for a piece of the cheese!  Back to what stinks! 
     The world changers are already working behind the scenes as we speak.  They are passing laws without going through the proper channels!  Or making policy behind closed doors in the middle of the night with only a chosen few.  Then not enforcing laws on the books because they just don't agree with that particular policy.  Going after states who are just protecting their welfare resulting from the lack of participation from the feds!  And that ladies and gents is just our government we're talking about!  Whose side are they on any way?  It sure doesn't feel like my side!
     Another point I would like to make that has bothered me for two years.  I thought the President was the President for all of America!  We have one that calls people of America names!  He takes sides before ever knowing all the facts like calling our police acting stupidly!  Wow, imagine our President saying this.  He downgrades the tea party members as if they were criminals!  Is it because they are mostly white folks?  You bet and you can take that to the bank because it's true!  I've known this fact from the first day , the Inauguration Day!  A lot of people missed it all together!  In fact, most never paid attention to the words, but I did.  I happened to be off that day and I listened to every syllable.  That day topped the list as one of the most depressing days ever!  This President was not going to be for the people, only for some of the people!  His gutter talk only continues to be demeaning and degrading of some Americans!  It goes all the way back to that famous Rev. Wright's Church.  If you can call him a Reverend.  My church never proclaimed such outrageous filth.  But, we've been instructed well, that's just the black heritage, they have a right to say, down with the repressive, white slave masters during a Sunday sermon where the topic should be about Jesus and God!  The topic of race nor damning the USA never came up at my church on any Sunday!!!  You breed hatred and contempt for the whites and racism is your middle name!!  So, if the whole congregation is amening all the slanderous remarks, then the indoctrination continues!  The crap goes on and on.  When any decent black person doesn't agree with your beliefs they are attacked, ridiculed and almost destroyed.  I'm so proud of them standing up for goodness and reason.  Don't sacrifice your principals!  Stand strong and we will stand with you 100%.  In case, you were under a rock or missed the speech I'm referring to, this is what happened on Day I.  Hold on to your seat belts, this is going to be a long dissertation!
     White, do what's right!!!  What the hell does that mean?  Are you trying to unite us as a country, or are you trying to drive a nail in the coffin?!  I worked for what I needed and certainly worked for what I wanted!  I never expected my parents to send me to college and never thought "my government" should send me either!
     Or does it mean?  I go to a church that promotes Hate and Racism?  I never ever heard one word against another race or using God's name in vain in my church!  Are you kidding me?  Do you think we are stupid?  I'm so sick of this I could pull my fingernails off.  Where is your Honor?  Where is your Honesty?  Stand up for this person!  Stop the people who steal our money and our dignity in Washington.  I'm not going to work hard my whole life to send every kid to college or for every Tom, Dick or Harry to have an easier life.  They can get a job!  Here is a clue - work for it or do without!  They will feel better about themselves and make better grades.  It's been proven over and over.  We are not a welfare state!  This will ruin our country!
     My family worked hard and were good, good people and you let this statement go into your first words as President.  I lost all respect at that very moment.  What were you trying to do impress your followers?  It is people in your church that promotes racism.  It's disgusting!  It's fed like a disease.  You learn what you live and you live what you learn!
     Why do you have to be called an African American?  I'm an English, Irish, French and German descendant but, I call myself, An American!  We can never unite as one country until we call ourselves "Americans"!  Don't accuse me or my family of having a slave or mistreating black people!  I've never known any family that did either!  I don't need to appease nor apologize for any action in my background!  Can you say the same?
     You have left out one very important person!  Stand up for the person who lives a quiet life working hard, who serves in the military, raises a family, who goes to church, a person who in good times and bad makes choices that are honest and deals with the consequences of those choices no matter what color!  A person who takes responsibility of those choices and most of all, the people who love this Country!  I do not want my grandchildren raised where people are not held accountable.  I was raised to say Yes' Sir and No' Sir and to have respect for everybody!  That's what We, The Little People, expect the very least of you in Washington!!

         NO!  YOU DO WHAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!