Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Enough is Enough Black Panthers

     Members of the Black Panthers Organization, go back into the hole you just crawled out of!  You are insane and the good white people of America {who, guess what} the last time I checked never owned a slave, my father never owned a slave and my grandfather never owned a slave or my great-grandfather!  Can you add those years up and realize that, that excuse is over!  You can't blame old white cracker anymore!  Pick up your dead rump, go to work and pay your own way.  Stop blaming and intimidating white people.  You are the Racist!  While you voice your ugly talk and laugh with your stupid smirk, you fire up all the decent white people that you claim your hatred of.  We are sick and tired of your worthless actions and your spoken word.
     While I went to Church and learned about God you learned hate.  While I worked at a low paying job to raise my family, you waited and demanded a handout!  A handout from the same cracker that you say owes your great-great-great-grandfather for being a slave.
     While I put myself through college you were brooding about not getting a free ride.  While I worked long hours and made scarifies you yelled only black people made scarifies.  You also stated only blacks have troubles.  Absurd!  Whites have plenty of trials and tribulations but we aren't screaming for the government to bail us out for everything.
     Your own people in Africa sold you!  If you hate it here so bad, then go back home to your original home, Africa!  You think since your pal Obama is in the White House he will change everything in your favor.  It looks like he is trying, just look at the group of people that surrounds him and the laws and rules he is pushing through!
     Enough is enough!  We have known the whole time what was really in your heart and now it is out in the OPEN for all America to see!  You don't know the meaning of decency.  You are the new Mafia, the Black Mafia, someone to bully and intimate.  To use your own discussing words, someone who wants to kill white babies!  We know your Game!  We will throw out every last one in Washington that supports any of your views or actions and those that won't comment.  We will replace them with decent people who actually go by the laws!  This must be your worst nightmare!!  Right!? 
     The NAACP just condemned the Tea Party movement as racist!  Imagine That!  Not a word was said about the Black Panther episode at all.  No Comment!  Of course the White House couldn't be found for a comment!  Total silence!  But the President was the first to condemn a white police officer arresting a black man. Would you say double standard!?  I call it No standard at all!  No Honor!  No Integrity!  Racism comes from the top down.  It is thrown in our face at every turn and at every convenience of the accuser.  I don't know about you but I'm done with it.  I'm over it!  No more silence from me, I intent to blast them all.
     OK America it's up to you now.  Go vote in your area for the conservation who is running for office that will straighten out this mess!  If you happen to see a person dressed in black clothes holding a club in his hands at the polls, call 911 right then!  Go in the voting precinct and vote and smile knowing that you are doing your part to take back Your America!  Bring commonsense and the law back to each and every area of our life!
     Mr. Black Panther, thanks for waking the sleeping giant!  I'll be voting!  See you at the polls!
                                 The Commoner!

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