Saturday, June 11, 2011

Al Sharpton #2

    Al Sharpton, you are a piece of work!  Not like Shakespeare more like a Horror Show!  Where do you get off demanding the FCC to quiet or shout up any person, radio show or cable news show on free speech.  Wow!  Do you realize it's not up to you to pick and choose to whom that's done to!  Are you saying that we are only going to target the whites or the right wing whites now?  Priceless!  But wait let's see, just imagine this!  You could be next!!  Let's envision this for a minute, if that were the case then, we wouldn't hear you condemning the rich white people anymore.  Or you wouldn't be condemning the poor white people or saying how repressed all of the black people are because of the controlling white people!  Did I get that message right?  I know it because I've heard it over and over again like a broken record all through the years!  I could get used to the quiet but as wonderful as it sounds it would be Wrong!!!  Got it!!
     What exactly do you do?  I believe you insight people, insight hatred and you insight stupidity!  Just for starters!  Yes, that's it!  How much do you get paid for this crap?  I wrote about you in a previous letter but I'm never surprised about the endless hypocrisy that flows from you constantly.  Do you suppose God is proud of this?  I doubt it.  I just imagine him just shaking his head back and forth.
     Why on earth do you want to continue on this frame of mind?  You must be benefiting in some way!  Even Dr. Phill asks his guests, What are you getting out of this to people on his show?  Fame and fortune maybe?  I've hit on this before.  Who is paying you and how much?  Most people I hope and pray, see you for what you are, A Trouble Maker!  But, some people might be using you also, just to be a sounding board to get out a disturbing message to harm and hurt your targets!  Also to keep feathers ruffled and to keep people looking at each other with distrust.  Nice!!  Nothing every changes does it?  Oh, don't think since I said you may be used that you possibly could be an innocent party, Oh no!  We know for sure that isn't true.
     You have no clue as to how most white families raised their children.  You also have no clue as to how we interacted as families.  Maybe you needed to check a few facts before you try to destroy people.  I'm here to set the story straight once and for all!  My whole life, I was taught to show respect, mind my manners, be quiet in church, never cuss or talk back, take pride in your house, your yard and in yourself!  Most of all to be thankful for what you have and that everything required hard work. What could you possibly find wrong with this life?  My parents were hard, hard workers and they managed on the little money they made.  My father saved everything that was left over from a project just in case he needed it for another project.  They lived through the Depression so they truly knew how bad things could get.  With these constant acquisitions of racism and hatred you try to diminish my parents memory and that Makes me really Mad!
     Before your official Clean up America Act begins, please start with the following!
     1.  Rap Music
     2.  MTV
     3.  Reality Shows
     4.  Jersey Shore
     5.  ED Commercials!  Enough already!
     6.  Cop Killer videos
     7.  Video games that promote violence
     Where is your outrage on these topics?  Evidently No where to be found.  No Surprise!  Since you are feeling all high and mighty you want to take on the regular Americans and middle America!  The same Regular Americans who had a rally on 8-28 who had the audacity to have an event on the other guys day.  I remember now, no one else is allowed to go there on that spot on that day but black people because that is your spot.  I guess you own that spot?  Right?  No, you don't own it or any other spot and neither does any other person unless you own a deed to that land!  Do you have a deed?  I think not!
     You give yourself way too much credit to think America would look to you for advice on who to silence!  Who would you pick next?  Me?  That will never happen because I will never shout up.  You need to go back to your think tank or cave and try to come up with something worthwhile for mankind, for once!!
    I'm waiting and I'm sure half of America is also!       The Commoner

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