Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weinie Roast

     Sorry, I can't help it, I have to say my peace.  You asked for it so you're going to get it.  God works in mysterious ways doesn't he, to remove people from their comfortable pedestal!  Secrets, secrets, the world if full of secrets!  But, sometimes they rear their ugly head!  Although, he said, It was just a joke!  No, you made yourself the joke!
     Now, let's considered the reasons why he needs to be gone!  I wrote an article a few weeks ago about character in which I stated, character matters!  Reason #1.  The character of a person is extremely important.  It portrays his leadership skills if he happens to hold an official office.  If you don't care about character, then you must not give a hoot about judgements and decisions a person makes to shape the world we live in.  They have the power to mold and change the world for good or for bad.  We need people in this position that have the ethical strength to carry out the best decisions for the American people!   I don't care that he's a sleaze bag on his own time but, not when he works for the American people!  We need people in Washington that are distinguished and honest and ones that have good moral character, not this kind of crap!
     Reason #2.  If you looked at the photos closely, you might notice where these fun memories were made.  It kinda looks like his office!  Oops!  He should have made sure the background didn't show any evidence that he really wasn't working for us that day!  Or was he taking a lunch break?  I doubt it.  Maybe using the tax payers money never crossed your mind because sleaze ball you were on my dime at that moment!
     Reason #3.  You are a liar!  Guess what we can not trust you ever again!  I'm not saying I ever trusted you before but, definitely never again!  You are not just a liar but, a bold face liar!  That takes, well you know what it takes.  I feel sorry for your wife.  You should be ashamed.
     Reason #4.  Your job is to handle problems, to problem solve.  However, you were too busy handling your own problem.  While New York and the rest of America thought our back was covered, you were removing your covers for anybody to see!
     Reason #5.  People, don't think that since this man is from New York, that he only represents New York.  When the 434, with one idiot, members of the House votes, it effects all of America!  We must not accept this kind of behavior from anyone at any time.  He should have resigned but, his character is lacking in substance where he doesn't have enough Honor to resign.  Remember, his reputation and everyone else in Washington is a reflection of us!  Is this how you want to be viewed by the world and others?  I don't!
     Reason #6.  Pack your bags, you Jack Wagon!

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