Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day of Reckoning

     Wake up people!  Hell--lo!!  Something stinks in this Arab Spring!  It certainly isn't flowers!  Have you seen the protests and the yelling, "Death to America" and "Death to Israel"!?  They really mean this crap!  This situation is so dangerous.  Just like the comment in one of my favorite movies, in a nano second this could get out of hand and start something really nasty.  People are protesting all over the world, a few for good but, most of the mob is yelling this garbage that's pure unadulterated Evil!  It breeds Evil and festers just like an infected sore!  The bigger the crowd the more radicals jump on the band wagon to add to the crazies.  They are nut cases!  Pure and simple!  The sore just gets bigger and oozes more and more pus!  The only way to stop it is to be prepared to lance the infection and drain it.  These nut cases are going to strike by any means possible to kill our Religion, our Freedoms and our way of life in America.  We need to be singing from the roof tops, be prepared and don't be deceived!  Open your eyes!
     Liberals, you will be the most surprised!  The communists and socialist are totally on board with the switch'O change'O of our society.  But, for the life of me, I can't understand their logic.  What do they think will happen to them?  Do they assume they will retain all the power?  I guess a big power struggle would ensue!  I'm sure they will all fight amongst themselves for a piece of the cheese!  Back to what stinks! 
     The world changers are already working behind the scenes as we speak.  They are passing laws without going through the proper channels!  Or making policy behind closed doors in the middle of the night with only a chosen few.  Then not enforcing laws on the books because they just don't agree with that particular policy.  Going after states who are just protecting their welfare resulting from the lack of participation from the feds!  And that ladies and gents is just our government we're talking about!  Whose side are they on any way?  It sure doesn't feel like my side!
     Another point I would like to make that has bothered me for two years.  I thought the President was the President for all of America!  We have one that calls people of America names!  He takes sides before ever knowing all the facts like calling our police acting stupidly!  Wow, imagine our President saying this.  He downgrades the tea party members as if they were criminals!  Is it because they are mostly white folks?  You bet and you can take that to the bank because it's true!  I've known this fact from the first day , the Inauguration Day!  A lot of people missed it all together!  In fact, most never paid attention to the words, but I did.  I happened to be off that day and I listened to every syllable.  That day topped the list as one of the most depressing days ever!  This President was not going to be for the people, only for some of the people!  His gutter talk only continues to be demeaning and degrading of some Americans!  It goes all the way back to that famous Rev. Wright's Church.  If you can call him a Reverend.  My church never proclaimed such outrageous filth.  But, we've been instructed well, that's just the black heritage, they have a right to say, down with the repressive, white slave masters during a Sunday sermon where the topic should be about Jesus and God!  The topic of race nor damning the USA never came up at my church on any Sunday!!!  You breed hatred and contempt for the whites and racism is your middle name!!  So, if the whole congregation is amening all the slanderous remarks, then the indoctrination continues!  The crap goes on and on.  When any decent black person doesn't agree with your beliefs they are attacked, ridiculed and almost destroyed.  I'm so proud of them standing up for goodness and reason.  Don't sacrifice your principals!  Stand strong and we will stand with you 100%.  In case, you were under a rock or missed the speech I'm referring to, this is what happened on Day I.  Hold on to your seat belts, this is going to be a long dissertation!
     White, do what's right!!!  What the hell does that mean?  Are you trying to unite us as a country, or are you trying to drive a nail in the coffin?!  I worked for what I needed and certainly worked for what I wanted!  I never expected my parents to send me to college and never thought "my government" should send me either!
     Or does it mean?  I go to a church that promotes Hate and Racism?  I never ever heard one word against another race or using God's name in vain in my church!  Are you kidding me?  Do you think we are stupid?  I'm so sick of this I could pull my fingernails off.  Where is your Honor?  Where is your Honesty?  Stand up for this person!  Stop the people who steal our money and our dignity in Washington.  I'm not going to work hard my whole life to send every kid to college or for every Tom, Dick or Harry to have an easier life.  They can get a job!  Here is a clue - work for it or do without!  They will feel better about themselves and make better grades.  It's been proven over and over.  We are not a welfare state!  This will ruin our country!
     My family worked hard and were good, good people and you let this statement go into your first words as President.  I lost all respect at that very moment.  What were you trying to do impress your followers?  It is people in your church that promotes racism.  It's disgusting!  It's fed like a disease.  You learn what you live and you live what you learn!
     Why do you have to be called an African American?  I'm an English, Irish, French and German descendant but, I call myself, An American!  We can never unite as one country until we call ourselves "Americans"!  Don't accuse me or my family of having a slave or mistreating black people!  I've never known any family that did either!  I don't need to appease nor apologize for any action in my background!  Can you say the same?
     You have left out one very important person!  Stand up for the person who lives a quiet life working hard, who serves in the military, raises a family, who goes to church, a person who in good times and bad makes choices that are honest and deals with the consequences of those choices no matter what color!  A person who takes responsibility of those choices and most of all, the people who love this Country!  I do not want my grandchildren raised where people are not held accountable.  I was raised to say Yes' Sir and No' Sir and to have respect for everybody!  That's what We, The Little People, expect the very least of you in Washington!!

         NO!  YOU DO WHAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!

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