Monday, June 13, 2011

Worth of a Person

     I've been watching with great interest the Casey Anthony trial.  We have all seen the news and reports of what we perceive happened to Caylee Anthony.  We have all formed opinions on this case.  Who knows the Hell that sweet, precious, little baby went through just so the mother could have her free time!  I shutter to think!  The crying in the court room just made me angry!  Don't give Casey Anthony any sympathy and make her sit through every single gruesome detail especially considering she was the cause of every detail!  She has admitted to the drowning and if the police and medical teams weren't called then she had to dispose of the body!  You will get no sympathy from me.  Don't give her time to compose!  Did sweet Caylee get time to compose?  I imagine Caylee did only under the influence of sedatives and drugs so her mother could party!  What a sleaze ball! 
     I feel so sorry for the grandparents.  They did not try to raise a monster but sometimes it just happens.  They have lost a beautiful granddaughter due to spite and neglect and selfishness.  Their life will never be the same nor their reputations due to the mere fact of being accused of child abuse.  How low will the daughter stoop to destroy her parents?  Free will is a strange and scary place sometimes.  The choices of life are for the here and now and the hereafter.  However, one should remember that the choices you make will last forever!
     The bragging to friends about putting Caylee to sleep with drugs so she could party was an admission of a bad ending waiting to happen.  I only wish I was on that jury!  This is no mother, this is no daughter and this is no sister anyone could claim.
    Let's review the facts about Casey Anthony:  She is a young mother caught up with being a mother too early.  Isn't it strange that no father has ever been mentioned?  OK well, we'll get back to that fact a little later.  Now she decides to basically dump the baby on her parents and from what I gather that was the usual way, to dump everything on her parents.  So, same day same plan!  A big argument occurred apparently between Casey and her mom.  It was bound to happen don't you think?  Somebody needed to remind her of her responsibilities.  Even though the grandparents loved that little girl immensely, Caylee wasn't their responsibility.  The next few days are literally disgusting and disgraceful as a human being but unforgivable as a parent!!  The trust and protection she should have shown that baby was anything but trustworthy!  The surprise story about the pool drowning caught me off guard.  You know that could happen to anybody that has a pool and it would be very tragic.  But nobody with any decency would not call 911 to try to save their baby!  Nobody that has any ounce of love would throw their baby in the trunk in a trash bag!  I want to make a point, if Caylee had drown in the pool there would be no reason for her to cover Caylee's mouth and nose with Duck Tape!  This had to be done to silence the little girl or to stop her breathing!  She did all of this out of spite for her mother, spite for her father and mainly spite for little Caylee for being born in the first place and for wrecking her life!
     Picture this for a minute, if the baby drown and Casey was present as she states, she then got rid of the body and continued to have a 24 hour party!  Her actions and lack of any compassion whatsoever only shows she has no remorse and felt she would never be charged with the murder.  Are we to believe that after the drowning Casey left and didn't do anything with the body?  Of course she did, if not her then who?  Let's go back to the question about the father of Caylee?  Considering the amount of boyfriends and her activities she probably doesn't have a clue as to who fathered the child!
     This is a terrible story all around, the death of a child is heartbreaking under any circumstances but when committed by the hands of a loved one, it's despicable!  The family is destroyed and relationships with friends and other family members are probably strained to the limit.  There will always be that veil of uncertainty concerning some of the testimony from a person who could look you straight in the eye and lie like she was ordering ice cream.  Casey has no conscience whatsoever and she is literally killing the family members from the inside out.  These are the same people who loved her the most and as in the death of a child she has rendered the rest of her family lifeless as well!  I'm quite positive this will haunt the family for the rest of their lives!
     The fate of this family is not sealed as yet and only by the power of God will they be able to get to the conclusion. We all need to pray for the truth to be revealed and for the strength to hear it!
                                             The Commoner

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