Sunday, May 29, 2011

2012 Election

     I'm sitting in my living room after being on my feet all day long during which I'm
encouraged to produce, produce!  I'm listening to people on TV who supposedly are well educated tell me why "The Donald" is not prepared to run for President!  It seems he has no experience!  Well!  Well!  I think it is time to get the notebook out.
     There is a saying where I'm from, I was born at night but, it wasn't last night!!  For the love of God!  Hold my head together before it blows!  Now, let's talk about this just a little bit.  Our current President has no records, college or other wise, held no real office and God help me with this one "was a community organizer"!!  Which qualifies you for what?  Having a corner yard sale?  Having a basket party at your house?  He never governed a state, county or the local pub!  Where is his experience?  No where!  Oh, I know he was a Senator for two years and voting present I guess that means the seat is occupied or does it?  Exactly my point!  It prepares you for Nothing!  Let's face it, people were upset with George and the war and a black man would just set us all free, free at last!  The head is cracking now, God help me hold it together long enough to get this pen to write.
     Now on to "The Donald".  He actually is an American!  Stop it!  Stop it!  Nobody has proven otherwise!  He actually has run companies and made money!  Oh no, that makes him rich!  That's right we don't like the rich guys.  He must have ruined hundreds or thousands of minorities lives.  Maybe, Some were actually Employed!!!  You Think!!  I told you my head is splitting now!  OK, back to the subject.
    The Donald loves this country!                                Check
    The Donald wants our country to prosper!                Check
    The Donald is saying it like it is!                             Check
    The Donald would tell OPEC to kiss where I can't!    Check
    So far so good!
    The Donald will put our country first!                      Check
    The Donald will put our Military first!                      Check
    The Donald is a proven negotiator!                         Check
    The Donald will be fair but make you earn it!           Check
    Look out China!
    Everything, I mean everything in almost any store is made in China, Vietnam, Indonesia but mostly China.  Not one article of clothing is made in the USA although, I did find men's socks made in the USA.  I absolutely hate that fact!  Oops, I said hate, get over it.  If we don't stand up for our way of life and our America, it will be gone!
    The Donald is an open book.  Check.  Where O' where is the Obama book?  Buried I suspect!  And I'm quite sure the Obama camp or basketball court is rather nervous that a man of such stature and wealth could be nosing around trying to make sense of his past and present.
    If I had my choice and I do, I would pick the rich proven guy over the uninformed to pull my crust out of a situation anytime!!  And people believe me when I say ,"We are now in a deep do Situation."  Right Now!  So, I feel quite positive to the fact, "The Donald", has every right and is just as qualified as any Legal American who feels the need to step up to the plate for that big home run.
    I'm waiting for the next head-splitting remark to appear!  I'm also positive tomorrow will cause me to visit the Bayer bottle again!  Sanity has disappeared!!
   Just a note.  I wrote this days before Mr. Trump decided not to run for President.  And I would like to say at least he had the guts to suggest changes and fixes to problems that are very serious.  He also woke some people up from their long winter's nap in Washington.  It's good to have someone shake the apple cart once in a while.  I hope he continues to search for the truth and to influence people on problem solving for our country.  I'm still looking at all the candidates now.  The business knowledge and wisdom of Mr. Herman Cain looks very interesting.  Considering his success in business and work ethics I believe he is well qualified, don't you?  Wouldn't you want someone who succeeds at life to be President?  We wouldn't want a failure now, would we?  Success is a good thing, a very good thing!!! 

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