Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Character Matters

      When considering the character of a person running for the Presidency of the United States of America which happens to be the most powerful man in this world you must read him like a book.  You must turn every page very carefully.  If there is one ounce of question as to his Birth, Integrity, Honesty, Leadership and friends by all means check and investigate every nook and cranny of his personal life.  If there is any fraud or malfeasance then give him the full extent of the law.  Prosecute and put their pitiful behind in jail!  We have every right as Legal Citizens of America to question  all lengths of the person's background that is speaking on our behalf and pulling the strings for our present and our future!  He or she does Not have a pass to slip into that office because of any reason especially because of their color!  Because we are too scared to look like a racist to question values or any other subjects!  At this stage in America we can't afford not to question.  He sets the standards for our moral values by the laws he passes and enforces.  People use racism to get away with murder!  I'm personally sick of it.  Recently I was speaking to an individual about the health care program when another person who was listening, turned and called me a racist.  I was not even having a conversation with them at all.  She didn't know me or my views on any single issue but, still felt she needed to downgrade me as a person!
     People listen up!!  We should not accept this behavior anymore and I'm not going to take it (as my mom would say) that crap is going to stop at my door right now!  If that's all you've got, you lose!  You have run that dog in the ground long enough.  The dog is dead!  My skin is getting thicker and thicker by the minute!  These accusers have this attitude of calling us names to make us feel bad, guilty and upset to keep us down, to keep us quiet and to keep racism on the forefront all the time.  Turn it back on them. They are simple minds who want to cause trouble and create havoc.  This world is full of bigots and I'm here to say, the first to call names is usually the unjust one.  We are now going to be as vocal as them.  Our quiet little lives are going to stop your nonsense in your tracks.  I'm so done!!  The decent hard working, white people (oops, I said white) it's actually not a dirty word you know, are fed up for being your whipping boy for all your problems!  For God's sake be a man for once!  It feels good to stand on your own two feet and work hard.  Sometimes you fail, then you get back up, dust off and try again.  That's America!  That's free will from God.  That's Freedom to choose!
     You have control of your destiny, now the choice is up to you.  Don't accept this kind of behavior anymore!  When you stand before the Almighty God, you will answer for your faults - and your faults alone!! 

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