Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is what liberty means to me.

L et the people rule instead of bigger government!
I ssue changes and reform to income tax laws to help all of us!
B eware of policies that remove our individual freedoms!
E arn a living off your own back, not off the backs of others!
R est never to watch over those who literally control our futures!
T rust only after you verify!
Y outh of today and tomorrow be proud of being an American! But earn it!!!

Think about what liberty means to you.  There is no "S" in liberty.  No Socialism!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Liberty is indeed a treasured gift. Every great nation since the dawn of man has attempted to place itself above the rights of the individual. The rights of the individual is a God given right that no government can take away. The creation of the United States of America was the first time in the history of mankind where liberty was really a basis for the individual. That right shall not fall to those who wish to enslave the individual. The right to liberty covers the right of free speech, the right of assembly, the right to worship and the right to bear arms to insure that no liberty will fall. Many will say that the right to worship, the right to speak or the right to assembly is the most important liberty. But I dare say and disagree with this statement. The right to bear arms to prevent a government from infringing on these rights is the most important. A government that fears reprisal other than voting out of office is a government respectful of its people. Thank you for making me think about liberty. Dwaine Friedline author of Eddie Bond "So Help Me God"
