Friday, May 20, 2011

Illnesses and Disease

  I'm sitting in a chair, in a room at a hospital where people from all sorts of life are receiving treatment for various illnesses.  I'm wondering about each person.  What is their story?  Is it wrong place, wrong time, or environmental accident that lead to their disease? Is it bad choices in life that now causes them to drain the system?  Could it have been like my father - who worked hard as a mechanic his whole life - under a car with exhaust, metals, and fumes who developed lung disease and later heart disease.  Everybody has a story; some are sad and some are tragic.
     I feel bad for people with disease and illnesses.  My own family has suffered greatly from various forms.  I wonder how many people would change that bad behavior or bad decision, that was made months or years before.  Was it a life changing event or one of many that lead to the current circumstance.  Whatever the reason here they sit or lay.  Or was it just living life never knowing of the hazards or dangers that await.  I think the human race is our own worst enemy.  We create and invent to improve life and to make life easier.  However, sometimes we create hazards such as cancer causing substances or materials which cause severe allergies.
     Our health care system is the best in the world.  We teach our doctors and nurses more information now than ever before in human history.  We treat after we are attacked.  Maybe, our approach is all wrong.  As in defense of our country we always have contingency plans for some attack from any source.  Our health care system is strained to the max.  The burden is on the people who pay into the system.  The burden is on the person who pays income taxes.  A lot of people don't pay!  But, they want the same care.
     Maybe we should concentrate on the patient before the disease or illness starts.  Improving the way of life before the attack.  This doesn't mean a handout to everyone who walks through the door.  This does not mean government control. This doesn't mean a new car or big house.  It does mean taking care of the body God gave us, keeping it as healthy as possible.  It means educating the American people on the best ways to stay healthy.  Pre-disease care, Pre-attack care, so we can skip some of these terrible situations in this room.  I know what you're thinking, a lot of people just don't care about their health until it's too late.  You are definitely correct.  We can't let the neglect of some stop the teaching of others.
     I have witnessed people enjoying the attention of being ill.  I have witnessed individuals arguing between each, as to who is the sickest.  I don't believe anybody wants to be sick, but once in that situation it seems almost comfortable.  I pray for all ill people, especially the little ones.  They are the real soldiers!  They handle life with grace and so much courage.  They teach us the lessons of life and death.
     Sickness is rough, sickness is so hard.  Families suffer watching the illness take over the person they love and admire.  I've been there.  I still have flash backs of the sadness and the tears are not far from falling.  We feel so helpless and weak and all we can do is give support and comfort to the one sick.  Believe me everything we do is so appreciated.  They are so scared and the fear is gripping them beyond belief.  Fear of the unknown, fear of the treatments, fear of the separation from the families and fear of dying has them frozen.  Only faith of God and praying for peace will help comfort them in the middle of the night when all around is darkness and quiet.  Maybe, an angel will visit to put their heart at peace.  The message may be one of healing or that they will be leaving soon.  Either way the visit is a miracle for the one who needs it.  I've witnessed this and to the one watching, to see the fear disappear on their face and for them to voice the acceptance to you is the best gift of all.  Then, and only then the family can concentrate on just loving each other for the limited time that's left.
     We need to make our food supply as safe as possible.  Check and recheck on the safety issues.  We need to have most of our food homegrown!!!  Double and triple checks on receiving food from other countries!  They don't care about our welfare!  They are just selling a product.  That's been proven from the recalls on baby food!  It's our job to protect the little Soldiers!  Recalls for dog food!  It's our job to protect our faithful partners!  Recalls from our clothing!  It's our job to protect Americans!  Talk about killing us from within!!  They don't need to send an Army.  It's happening through our food source, materials, clothing, even children's toys!!  Stop importing everything we need to live. 
     As I watch the people in this room I wonder what caused their calamity.  Was it actually caused by our hands or by another country who doesn't care about us or our way of life.  We have to remember we are envied or despised by the world over.
     The control of our lives should remain in our control.  Not in the control of others who care less!!  Who will be the next person who enters this room for a terrible disease?  Will it be you?
     Wake up citizens, wake up Congress, wake up legislators this is our chance before its too late.  Our everyday life, our very existence depends on it.

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