Friday, August 5, 2011

Role of the Female

     What is a woman's role in our society?  Joel Osteen says, to Honor your wife will make God smile upon you with His blessings!  To Honor your mother and father is a good thing.  But, mother wasn't just added in to go along with the father part!  Mother Mary was sacred because she was the mother of Jesus.
     As we have our babies, we don't plan to have a Genghis Khan!  Most of us hope and pray our children will be more like the baby Jesus instead.  I feel about 3/4ths of the time the amount of love, understanding and guidance we give our children is the deciding factor that shapes and molds them to be the future adult, one which is either productive or one who is a slacker in life!
     Now back to the cultures, look at the actual religions of the world that downgrade females and treat them as property where they have no rights, no say and no life!  That's not what God intended for his creation as a woman.  Muslin women are treated on the same level as dogs, covered as they are unsightly and never equal to a man!  They are just used as a vessel to have a male heir and degraded for every female baby born, even though the sex of a child is determined by the male in this equation!
     When the religions of the world condone and encourage this absurd behavior, the female situation will never improve!  If you consider all religions are run by the male species, it happens to be their rules and beliefs on paper, doesn't it?
     The customs, family traditions, respect, love and the dynamics of the family dictates the treatment of the women or wife, husband and the children.  Society as a whole has gone down the tubes because of the acts of violence displayed between the members of the family and the use of obscene language in the household!  Personal control is out the window! Rules and respect are also out the window!
     I feel as a child growing up in the 50's life was like the Beaver Family!  A healthy fear of our parents creates respect and a fear of God is the balancing second control of life!  People don't go to church like in the past so they don't have that fear of God.  Children don't have enough rules and control to create respect of parents and the healthy fear that's needed.  So many people I'm in contact with have no fear or morals.  They just fear the government check will be late.
     Societies all over the world want to live in the U.S.A.  But, once here some want to continue the same obscure beliefs and control they had in their own countries.  The same bad habits and behaviors just continue on!  So, why come to America?  It is to dominate our big, bold land of ours, to deny us our freedoms and to deny the freedoms to women which they despise!  Freedom of religion is just that, you worship your way and I worship my way!  But, you can't leave my Sacred Freedoms Alone!  You know, that's what separates man from the animals!  What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours!  Animals can't tell the difference but humans can, we have a mind that tells us the difference between right and wrong.  As people, we leave the other person's things alone because its called stealing!  Stealing of property or stealing of rights or stealing of dignity, it's all stealing and robbing us of our soul.  I know we haven't ventured too far since man was a barbarian!  The man would just drag his woman home to the cave but, man's job is to continue to grow and grow and shape humanity toward the good scale and not go backwards!
     I'm the youngest, a special place to be, of three children and the only girl.  I was so blessed because my parents were hard workers and wonderful people.  The time and place in life was perfect to be growing up.  No violence was ever witnessed by me or my brothers and no cussing to speak of, was said.  How many families can say that today?  Hardy any I'm sure!  We have come to accept bad behavior and to condone it, sometimes to even welcome it's display!  People, we have to get a grip!  We need to get a grip on our life and on our emotions!  Yes, I know I blow a blood vessel after hearing a liberal talk for only two seconds!  I didn't say I was perfect!  But, my views are important and righteous and as a woman I have the right to voice them!  I'm not going to be that muslin woman having no opinion, no rights and no will of survival!  It won't happen in our life time because there are too many baby boomers to resist such an Ungodly take over!  I believe that's our role in the present and future is to maintain and return all our Freedoms to the 50's Era!
     I am the lucky one, my life has been filled with respect, rules and love living that simple life.  I gave my children the same values and I expect them to pass this same value system to their children.  Memories of my childhood are drive-in movies in a pickup truck, parked backwards so we could sit in chairs eating Mama's homemade donuts, life was good!  Saturday night's we watched the Grand Ole Opry snapping green beans or peeling butter beans at the kitchen table for Sunday lunch.  The big Sunday lunch consisted of either Southern Fried Chicken or a Roast in the oven after Church.  A little religion and a lot of good food makes for a happy family and it made Sunday's so special!
     We didn't have a lot of money but I didn't notice.  Love doesn't require money.  My Mom use to say, Soap is cheap.  We had a bath every single night and lots of food, a big yard and a big garden to provide.  Life was good!  I have had the privilege of being a Daughter, a Woman, a Wife, a Mother and An American!  Nowhere else on this green planet would I want to be born to live a fulfilled life but Here!
     The power of Thought, the power of Reason and The Consequence of Choice makes life Worth living!  Power to the Female!  May She never be held down, but held up to be the Mother of Nations!
                                                             The Commoner

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